A cleansing and invigorating herb for happy skin and scalp.
What is rosemary? Native to the Mediterranean, rosemary is an evergreen shrub that can grow to six feet tall. A relative of basil and oregano, it belongs to the Labiatae family and has been cultivated for use in medicine since ancient times.
What are the benefits of rosemary?
Rosemary’s aroma complements perfumes well with a very herbaceous yet floral scent, reminiscent of lavender to some.
It is believed to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss when applied to the scalp. It also makes the hair shine!
The plant's antibacterial and antifungal properties combat dandruff, cleanse the skin, and help create effective deodorants.
**Natural Beauty with Rosemary**
A cleansing and invigorating herb for healthy skin and scalp.